The Lattice Nested Hydreno (LNH) Atomic Model
The Rosetta Stone of Nuclear Physics & Chemistry
Was Rutherford Mistaken?
A reanalysis of the historic Gold Foil Alpha Particle experiment reveals two invalid assumptions pointing to a nuclear dimension possibly 1000 times larger than that proposed by Rutherford.
Supporting evidence from neutron absorption crossections and other data appears to support this heretical notion providing a radically different view of the atom.... more >
Revolutionary Atomic Model
(Framework For A Grand Unified Theory)
Secrets Of Nuclear & Atomic Structure Deciphered
~Ancient Mysteries Solved~
Possibly the biggest development in atomic and nuclear theory in over 200 years, the Lattice Nested Hydreno model takes science to the next level of fundamental understanding, explaining many of the greatest mysteries of the Universe in truly astounding detail.
Contrary to the assertions of Bohr and Rutherford, it is intuitively obvious that the structure and geometry of the nucleus must have a direct bearing on the properties of the atom as clearly evident in this radically new atomic model.
For the first time in history, the hidden geometric code of the Periodic Table of Elements, including their Isotopes and Allotropes, is deciphered in a logical, common sense fashion accounting for literally thousands of previously unexplained chemical and nuclear properties and phenomena including:
• The relationship between nuclear, atomic and macroscopic reality.
• Isotopic distribution, abundance, missing isotopes & elements (Tc).
• The void of stability from Bi toTh & the upper limit of nuclear diameter.
• What causes the escalating neutron-proton ratio.
• Why U235 is thermal neutron fissionable, while U238 is not.
• The difference between thermonuclear and "cold" nuclear reactions.
• The strong force, nuclear geometry, nucleon structure, spin quanta.
• Atomic and nuclear based allotropes, isomers & crystal structure.
• Electron structure, orbital shells, orbital shapes and quantization.
• Chemical bonding, bond angles, bond types and bond strength.
• why matter and mass are not the same thing.
• What really causes gravitational and inertial forces.
. . ...and many other properties and phenomena.
Despite the radical departure from conventional thought, the vast majority of chemical and nuclear data is easily encompassed within the new atomic model, although the interpretation of it is dramatically altered, providing a quantum leap in deterministic understanding.
"God doesn't play dice with the Universe" - Einstein
By comparision, the indeterminate and frequently counter intuitive Bohr-Rutherford atom is irremediably inconsistent with macroscopic reality and much of contemporary science. The conventional Planetary model and its modern refinements is consequently declared pretty well defunct. A comparison of the two models is provided in the attached table which clearly demonstrates the superior merit and determinism of the Hydreno atom.
A limited edition, pre-print ebook of this extraordinary development has recently been released. Follow this link for a brief synopsis of this historic publication. The Hydreno atomic model could very well revolutionize the world of science and engineering in an unprecedented fashion providing a solid framework for the much anticipated Grand Unified Theory.
Some Major Distinctions of the New Model
The notion of point "particle" electrons orbiting the nucleus is discarded in favour of a composite standing-wave of electromagnetic energy which defines a spherical force-field. This force-field electron provides the apparent solidity and volume of matter. The electrons "material" structure is continually driven by resident harmonic frequencies of the Quantum Vacuum Flux otherwise known as the Zero-Point Energy Field.
This wave-particle electron, analogous to a soap bubble or balloon, can exist in many different quantized, harmonic wave states and diameters corresponding to the electron orbits and orbitals of conventional chemistry.
However, the electron does not orbit the nucleus. It is instead "anchored" to a particular proton on the surface of the nucleus with an "orbiting" zone of charge concentration, which provides the magnetic field of the electron in a manner similar to that proposed for the Mills Hydrino.
The nucleus is found to exhibit a very definitive and predictable geometry (in contrast to the conventional ad-hoc, spherical assembly) based in a narrow range of platonic solids with the protons confined to surface nested bond sites. The chemistry of the atom is consequently directly linked to the semi-rigid, yet dynamic structure of the nucleus in contrast to the assertions of Bohr and Rutherford.
Neutrons are understood to be a peculiar bound state of hydrogen with the "orbital" electron fully collapsed onto the surface of the proton causing neutrality. The individual nucleons are in turn composed of a dynamic lattice of positrons and negatrons (nuclear state electrons) evidently much larger than Rutherford's claim.
The Strong force is revealed to be an ultra-close range Casimir Effect of the absolute radiation pressure of the Quantum Vacuum Energy Flux. In addition, the new model contains some 200 postulates, principles, rules and theorems describing the properties and behavior of the atom and bulk matter in meticulous detail constituting the framework of a Theory Of Everything.
Vast Implications For Science and Technology
The revolutionary model entails a massive scientific reformation, encompassing the entire body of Standard theory. The artificial barrier of the Engineering Work Function (W=Fd), inapropriately adopted as a fundamental scientific truth, has also been extricated paving the way for an unprecedented renaissance in engineering.
In effect, the new model constitutes a "Rosetta Stone" for chemistry and physics, permitting fundamental interpretation and comprehension of a vast array of unexplained empirical data as well as a logical foundation for the much anticipated Grand Unified Theory, encompassing all of the forces of nature.
The Hydreno atomic model could very well alter the course of history, providing real solutions to numerous social, environmental, technological and energy issues on a global scale.
The move from an empirically based, highly constrained scientific paradigm, to one of precise determinism and essentially limitless potential is upon us. Heisenberg consequently rolls over in his grave but Einstein dances with glee. God doesn't play dice with the Universe afterall.
Engineering Applications
The Hydreno atomic model also has futuristic applications for most fields of engineering. Destined to be a central feature of the new field of Quantum Vacuum Engineering first proposed by Nobel Physics Laureate, T.D. Lee.
QVac Engineering permits the development of :
> Gravity & Inertia Control systems
> Fuelless power systems
> Reactionless propulsion
> Matter synthesis and conversion
> Ultra strong materials
> Superluminal communication
> Positronics
....and numerous other applications.
Dozens of QVac Engineered systems already exist in various states of development or suppression, many discovered accidentally. The "green" technology revolution is about to begin in earnest.... more >
Scientific Impact
The new Hydreno atomic model will have a huge impact on many fields of science, particularly chemistry and nuclear physics, which are now reunited under a single deterministic model constituting a framework for a Theory of Everything .
This will permit greatly improved scientific modeling, analysis and very precise quantum mechanics. A few novel areas of study include:
> Chemo-nuclear hyperchemisty
> Cold fission of toxic heavy metals
> Low Energy Induced fusion
> Positricity (as opposed to electricity)
> Gravitational field experiments
> Superluminal phenomena
> Bench top particle accelerators
A very practical application of such futuristic science is the development of effective nuclear waste treatment methods. Over a dozen different processes are proposed for further investigation.
Uranium Nucleus
B4-12CT Cuboctacore
Was Bohr Wrong?
Bohr's assertion that the nucleus has no impact on the chemistry of the atom, and that point particle electrons orbit the nucleus in planetary fashion is evidently quite wrong.
The radically different view proposed in the Hydreno atomic model clearly proves that the chemistry of the atom is directly attributable to the definitive geometric lattice of the nucleus and its extrapolation to the atomic dimension through the electron "orbitals".
About the Author
Mark Porringa is a professional engineer with 15 years experience in the Nuclear industry, working at one the World's largest and most versatile research reactors.
Frustrated with the indeterminate nature of nuclear science and engineering, he began experimenting and theorizing about the fundamental properties of matter in his laboratory about ten years ago, beginning with low energy nuclear reactions that revealed many anomalies outside the conventions of empirical science.
His peer reviewed work has been reported before the prestigious Louis de Broglie Foundation and the Canadian Nuclear Society.
Neon Atom
Argon Atom
Rhodium Nucleus
Arsenic Nucleus
A Division of 400255-5 Inc.
Aluminum Nucleus
Conventional adhoc nucleus
Neutron Decacores
Neutron Icosacores
B3-12CT Icosacore
B6-4CT Tetracore